Kris SayceEditor, The Daily Cut

Kris Sayce’s career started in the financial markets more than 25 years ago in London, where he specialized in small-cap stocks listed on London’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM).

He discovered financial newsletters in 2005 and headed up several, including Daily Reckoning, Revolutionary Tech Investor, and New Frontier Investor.

His biggest calls include telling investors to buy tech stocks in the early stages of the boom in 2013, and correctly predicting the Chinese stock market boom in 2014/2015.

Now, Kris writes the The Daily Cut, showing investors how to grow their wealth during the next stage of the economic cycle.

Four More Years of Biden: Prepare for It Now…

Given our mostly conservative audience, we know this won’t be a popular take… but former President Donald John Trump doesn’t have a chance of winning in November.

The Anti-Tower of Babel Philosophy

To know what one of the world’s central bankers thinks is to know what they all think. We’ll share...

Does This Tech Spell the End for Tesla?

Folks have written off Tesla more times than we can count in the past 10 years. But frankly, even...

Now Wall Street’s Most Influential Bank Agrees With Us…

We’ve been firm in our belief that interest rates aren’t coming down anytime soon. And it seems one Wall...

Interest Rates Are High Because the Fed Wants Inflation Higher…

The market thinks the Federal Reserve is battling against inflation. The reality is… the Fed is doing all it...

The REAL Inflation Rate Is Higher Than You Think…

The ‘inflate-up’ continues. And one thing we haven’t yet mentioned is that the inflation rate you see reported in...

The ‘Inflate-Up’ Is Here…

Despite the market’s cheerful response to the ever-so-slightly lower inflation, make no mistake… the Fed has no intention of...