Gold and Bitcoin Are Booming. Here’s Why…

Welcome to The Weekly Pulse. Join Tom Beal, Legacy Research’s Member Success Advocate, and Chris Lowe, editor of The Daily Cut and Legacy Inner Circle, as they explore how to be a successful investor in these unprecedented times.

This week has brought historic market highs. The price of gold has climbed to an all-time peak. And bitcoin has rallied in parallel. Meanwhile the feds keep adding trillions of dollars to the debt pile.

The upswing in gold and bitcoin is good news for longtime Legacy readers – we’ve been urging you to own “honest money” for years.

This week, Chris and Tom look at the shift away from the U.S. dollar… and the turn towards alternative, decentralized currencies.

And Chris gives a preview of this week’s issue of Legacy Inner Circle – an in-depth conversation between two Legacy analysts with unique insights into gold… Dan Denning and Tom Dyson.