Six Crypto Coins Could Fund Your Retirement

Chris’ note: Nobody has given more people the chance to transform their lives by investing in crypto than my friend and colleague Teeka Tiwari. Following his recommendations, you could have turned $10,000 stakes into millions of dollars.

So when Teeka makes a big call on crypto, I pay attention. And right now, he says six crypto coins give you a real shot at funding a comfortable retirement over the next 10 months. That may sound crazy. But I’ve seen him been called crazy many times… then prove the naysayers wrong.

Teeka will reveal more about these six coins next Wednesday at his online event The “Catch-Up Coin” Hyper Boom. Make sure to sign up for that here. Then read on as Teeka explains why… in a world where savers are getting screwed… you need to consider investing in crypto.

For too long, Americans have been getting a raw deal…

Retiring with a comfortable nest egg always took time. But it wasn’t impossible.

From the late 1960s to 2007, the average interest on a 10-year government bond was 7%.

If you worked hard, bought bonds, and reinvested your interest income, $100,000 would have grown to $750,000 in 30 years. By the 30th year, you’d have been earning a comfortable $52,500 a year.

Not champagne and caviar money… But enough to support a dignified retirement.

Savers Are Getting Screwed

That ended when the Fed waged war against falling stock prices in 2008.

In its frantic efforts to rescue the stock market, it slashed interest rates to near zero. Then it created $3.6 trillion to buy bonds from its banker buddies.

This wasn’t a victimless crime. You – the American saver and future retiree – got screwed.

Remember how $750,000 in bonds could have made you $52,500 a year in income?

Today, due to ultralow interest rates, you’ll make about $9,600 a year on $750,000 in 10-year Treasury bonds. You’d now need more than $4 million in bonds to equal what $750,000 would’ve paid you before 2008.

Don’t believe the Fed when it says don’t worry about inflation. How can you not worry when it takes five times as much savings to enjoy the same lifestyle you would’ve had 20 years ago?

If you’re looking to fund your retirement from bonds, those days are over.

And if you’re waiting for the stock market to bail you out… you’ll be waiting for a long time. Time you probably don’t have.

Stocks Alone Won’t Get You There

A recent survey by investment firm Charles Schwab (SCHW) revealed that the average American believes they’ll need to save at least $1.7 million to retire comfortably.

But the average American in their 50s has only $203,000 in retirement savings.

That’s a $1.5 million shortfall.

Many workers think the stock market will bridge that $1.5 million gap. But I have some bad news for you…

Since 2008, the S&P 500 has averaged a yearly gain of 10%. If you had put $10,000 in the index at the start of the bull market, it’d be worth $66,900 today.

This is one of the longest-running bull markets in history. And it would still take you 54 years to save $1.7 million.

Even if the S&P 500 rises 20% a year for the next five years… it won’t be enough to bridge the gap between the life you have and the retirement life you want.

And even if you got lucky and invested in the biggest tech stocks over the past five years, you still wouldn’t be close to a comfortable retirement.

Since 2015 to date…

  • Facebook (FB) has returned 389%, enough to turn $10,000 into $48,922

  • Google (GOOG) has returned 453%, enough to turn $10,000 into $55,324

  • Netflix (NFLX) has returned 1,148%, enough to turn $10,000 into $124,814

Don’t get me wrong. Those are great returns. Enough to take your spouse on a nice vacation… remodel your kitchen… or put a down payment on a car.

But those gains won’t really move the needle on your wealth.

Unless you’re already rich… and willing to risk massive amounts of money… you can’t make a fortune in just a few months from investing in the S&P 500 or the Nasdaq.

You need a way to catch up that doesn’t put your lifestyle at risk.

How to Catch Up

Middle-class families are getting squeezed as living standards plunge… costs rise… and retirement dreams are unfulfilled.

If you feel like you’ve been left behind and it’s too late to catch up, I understand.

That’s why my mission is so important. I’ve built my reputation on helping everyday Americans safely bridge this retirement gap.

Unlike Wall Street, which tells you it’ll take you decades to reach financial freedom, my research helps accelerate your wealth-building.

And the best way I’ve found to help you catch up with your retirement dream is what I call “Catch-Up Coins.”

Over the years, these crypto coins have given my subscribers the chance at gains of 36,652%, 48,371%, and 156,752% in an average holding period of just over three years.

That’s enough to turn $10,000 into $3.6 million, $4.8 million, and $15.6 million. So with three coins alone… you could have earned more than enough to retire comfortably.

You may be thinking, “Teeka, I should have listened to you when you first recommended these catch-up coins. Now it’s too late.”

But I have good news for you…

An unprecedented event is about to trigger what I call a “Hyper Boom” in six Catch-Up Coins. The Hyper Boom will be like a barrel of TNT… on top of a crate of nitroglycerin… on top of 100 tons of weapons-grade plutonium… exploding these six tokens higher.

So next Wednesday, September 15 at 8 p.m. ET, I’m hosting my first “Catch-Up Coin” Hyper Boom event.

I’ll share details on the six cryptos set to skyrocket. It’s free to attend.

I’ll also reveal the name of my No. 1 Catch-Up Coin. It’s a coin I’ve never publicly revealed before.

I’ve given away 10 crypto picks at events like this – each a winner. If you showed up just for these free coin recommendations, you could’ve made an average of more than 17 times your money. So just attending this event with me could be the best investment you’ll ever make.

Friends, as I’ve shown you, no stock or stock index in the world can bridge the gap between the financial life you have now and the one you want.

So if you’ve worked all your life… and still aren’t where you want to be financially… please join me next Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET.

I’ll show you how this rare chance can help you go from where you are in life… to where you want to be in as little as 10 months.

Let the Game Come to You!

Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily