Going Against the Crowd Can Be Your Key to Success

Chris’ note: Contrarianism is one of our guiding principles at Legacy Research. Longtime readers know it’s the “golden thread” running through everything we publish. That’s because we know that to beat the crowd, you have to think differently from the crowd.

As our tech expert, Jeff Brown, shares below, being contrarian has been a key to his success. It’s how he’s given his readers the chance at triple- and quadruple-digit gains. And next Wednesday, he’s hosting an Emergency Meeting to reveal the latest contrarian idea he’s been researching.

Jeff says it could help you get in on the next Amazon or Tesla… So make sure to reserve your free spot here. Now, over to Jeff.

In 2019, I recommended a company called DocuSign (DOCU) to my paid-up Near Future Report subscribers.

I said DocuSign would help companies save about $36 for every agreement they signed using its digital contract technology instead of a traditional paper contract. It would also reduce turnaround time by a whopping 94%.

These improvements would streamline businesses’ – and even the government’s – huge paperwork loads.

But this recommendation disappointed some readers.

How were they supposed to get excited about a “boring” company helping the IRS manage tax filings more efficiently?

I reassured readers the e-signature market was growing so fast it would double in size every two years or so. And DocuSign would reap the benefits.

That prediction came true. We’ve more than tripled our money on DocuSign in just under two years.

Pretty impressive for a “boring” recommendation…

That’s the power of contrarian investing…

Going Against the Crowd

One key to my success over the years has been finding investments that go against the crowd… just as I did with DocuSign.

Perhaps a technology is too early for most people to understand… like 5G wireless networks…

I started writing about 5G back in 2017. This was long before it started showing up in the mainstream press. Some readers scoffed at my confidence in the 5G revolution.

They didn’t understand that 5G wasn’t just an incremental improvement. It would be as much as 100 times faster than our current networks. And it would cut latency to almost nothing.

Since then, my 5G recommendations have given my subscribers the chance at gains of 90%, 118%, and 178%.

Or perhaps Wall Street is missing the big picture… failing to see a company’s full potential.

At a 2016 conference, I presented on Nvidia (NVDA), which was largely known as a gaming company at the time. Its graphics processing units (GPUs) were a popular option for gaming laptops.

But I knew there was a growing field that needed Nvidia’s GPUs: artificial intelligence (AI).

Wall Street wasn’t accounting for the exponential growth of AI applications in data centers. And investors didn’t understand that Nvidia’s products could perfectly accommodate this demand.

Today, Nvidia’s chips are the workhorses of AI.

Not only that, Summit – the world’s fastest supercomputer until last year – uses more than 27,000 Nvidia GPUs to do its calculations.

Investors who followed my 2016 recommendation could have made over 1,700% in the years since.

In cases such as DocuSign, 5G, and Nvidia, going against the crowd allowed us to profit big… while the mainstream missed out.

That’s why I’m so excited about a new opportunity I’ve been researching…

Bad Headlines Are Good News for Us

Recently, I’ve been following a special sector of the market… one with some of the most promising investments I’ve seen in decades.

It’s something different from my usual recommendations. It’s not directly related to AI… biotech… or 5G.

But it has some of the fastest-growing companies in the world right now.

Even better, they’re letting regular folks invest in them early.

This has been a huge problem for everyday investors in recent years.

Opportunities for you to invest in companies during their earliest stages of development are few and far between. Companies have been staying private until they’ve already had their most dramatic growth.

Regular investors have missed out on the biggest gains as a result… as venture capitalists and Wall Street insiders have cleaned up.

That’s why I’m so excited about the opportunity I’ve found…

And critically, this space is discounted right now.

Government attention has led to headlines criticizing the potential here. And investors have panicked and sold, driving prices down.

That means it’s time for us to move in… before Wall Street realizes how much money it’s leaving on the table.

As much as $1 trillion could be up for grabs…

Emergency Briefing

I can’t promise how long this discount window will remain open. But it could help investors get in on companies that could be the next Amazon (AMZN) or Tesla (TSLA).

I truly believe this is the smartest move you can make as an investor today. And I don’t want any of you to miss out.

That’s why I’m hosting an Emergency Meeting on Wednesday, May 26, at 8 p.m. ET.

That night, I’ll explain what these contrarian investments are… and my strategy for picking the best companies.

Plus, I’ll show how you can position yourself for big gains this year.

So please mark May 26 on your calendar… then go right here to reserve your free spot.

I look forward to seeing you there.


Jeff Brown
Editor, The Bleeding Edge